Chili's Perch  

Blue & Gold Macaw (Ara ararauna)

Chili Bird

Chili's New Digs Chili's New Apartment
Chili was Best Bird at Our Wedding Chili Bird

Chili Giving Jennie a kiss at the wedding

Some info about me:
I am a male Blue and Gold Macaw
I am 5 years old
I can say simple words and I can make sentences with the following words.

"I Love You" 




"Step Up!"

"No Biting!"

"Shut-up Kermit!"


"Chili Bird"

"Haha haha haha"


Hello Boo


Hey Boo





I like to play!!

I have bells and rawhide to eat and bang around

I have several perches around the house to hang out on

My favorite thing is to destroy things like chew toys

Leather, wood, and plastic are no match for my hook-bill

Where I came from:

Feathered Friends in Phoenix

Chili with his little pal, Kermit and Chili taking a shower.

Blue and Gold Macaw Information:

Physical Description
The Blue Gold is a large bird. The head, back, and wings are covered with a blue-green color. The frontal body plumage is yellow. The Blue and Gold has the whitish skin face mask.

33 Inches (Larger bird)

Ave. Lifespan:
Longer than you!

Undeterminable by appearance, though hens may have a slimmer head.

Central America to South America

Requires much attention, can be trained to talk - but not considered very good mimics. Requires large space due to large size. Are very demanding and have a tendency to become aggressive or pluck.

Can be loud.

Prices are around $800 - $2000

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