Back Yard

Starting at the beginning of April, the back yard got some major improvements.  The old back yard was basically a mud bog with a 20 year-old, falling down, rotten fence.  The first project was to clear out all the old pavers, live foliage, and fallen leaves.   After this was complete, we installed a floating deck system using concrete pier blocks and 2x6 construction.  The final deck ended up being L shaped with overall dimensions of 15 x 16 feet.  We added a large bench along the parameter, steps, and a railing.  

By the end of April, Long Fence came out and replaced our delapidated old fence.  The new fence is a little larger than the old on as it added about 200 sq feet next to the house as enclosed space.  The last project was to lay down weed barrier and install 13,000 lbs of pea gravel in the back yard to eliminate the mud bog.  Now, the back yard is a nice area we can go and relax in without tracking in the out doors into the indoors.  

Enjoy the photos below.  Click on them for larger versions.  


pier blocks.JPG (209022 bytes) laying planks.JPG (186862 bytes)
Installing the Pier Blocks Joist Finished up
break time.JPG (166467 bytes) jenn installing planks.JPG (146778 bytes)
Aaron helping out
Jenn installing planks
nailing planks.JPG (157652 bytes) bench profile 2.JPG (182165 bytes)
Halfway there... Building the benches
building benches.JPG (219069 bytes) deckwbench.JPG (184729 bytes)
More Benches Completed Benches
acunit.JPG (157688 bytes) view from corner.JPG (163276 bytes)
Railing Completed Deck
new entry to backyard.JPG (202917 bytes) gravel .JPG (209399 bytes)
New Fence 1,000lbs of gravel to go...
a little mroe to go.JPG (192781 bytes) shed.JPG (195480 bytes)
Last few feet left to go... Back side of yard - shed (Soon to be replaced!!!)
gabby's run.JPG (194064 bytes) gabby's run 2.JPG (223501 bytes)
Gabby's Run The other side of Gabby's run
Gabby on the new deck.JPG (128128 bytes)
Gabby Enjoying the new deck

Home Up Rockshire Street Basement Back Yard Master Bedroom Rockshire Street